Sunday, November 21, 2010

a few things I've been working on

 Here's just one of the many headbands I have made so far...I should've taken a picture of it actually in my hair so you can really get the idea of how it looks, but I haven't showered yet today and I wanted to hurry and post a few things before I get crazy busy this week! I'll post the rest of them once I get some time and some better lighting.  It's a very gray, snowy day today.
Here's my first go at an eyeglass case.  Not sure I like the closure flap on it, but it'll do for now

Cinnamon swirl bread has absolutely nothing to do with anything sewing or craft related, but I thought it was pretty, not to mention incredibly delicious!  I wish I could share a slice with you.  :)

New header!

Don't you love my new header?  I wish I could take credit for it myself, but instead I get to brag about what an awesome, talented sister I have.  Her artistic abilities never cease to amaze me.  Thanks for the header, Katy!  I love it!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stay tuned...

for my cute, new headbands I recently started making!  And hopefully also for a new header for the blog!  (hint, hint...Katy!) 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Simple wristlets

Great for those days when you just want to bring your keys, phone, and chapstick!  Also great for hiding other things in your purse.  ;)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My favorites

...yes, they are all my favorites.

 I don't mean to toot my own horn, but cute is this owl one?

In the beginning

Here are a few of the first bags I made.

I like these, but have come to the conclusion that they are an absolute PAIN in the butt to make simply because sewing the strap to all the thick layers of interfacing makes my machine make sounds like it's going to spontaneously combust.  So for the time being, I have decided that I'm going to temporarily stop making more of this style, if for no other reason than it will help minimize my usage of four letter words.  But...if you happen to like these, or by some chance have a hankering to make someone swear like a sailor, by all means, let me know and I would be glad to make you one.  :)

The first go...

My amazingly crafty friend, Amy, is the one who gave me the push to try to sell my bags by asking me to apply to local farmer's markets and craft fairs.  We were a little late on getting applications in to some of them, but we did get accepted to the Park Silly Sunday Market, which we were thrilled about...up until we realized it costs something like $160 per DAY to be a vendor there!  Considering that both of us are totally new to selling, we decided that may not be our most lucrative option since we didn't even know if we would sell anything.  We were totally bummed, but there was light (although dim) at the end of the tunnel when we got accepted into the Ogden Farmer's Market.  Yay!  Here's what our little tent looked like the first day:

It may not be the fanciest tent you've ever seen, but we were sure proud of it!  (I would like to point out here that Amy is clearly the better of the two of us at displaying her can see the close-ups here and marvel at her crafty genius).  We learned a lot that day, and to date, we have been there only twice so far, but we plan on continuing to sell there as often as we can find time to for the rest of the season.  The market is every Saturday this summer through September 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Come check us out sometime!


Welcome to my blog where I will share my obsession with cute, one of a kind, handmade bags.  I'll be posting pictures of my creations, and sharing my experiences as I try to find my way in the world of making and selling handmade goods as a new crafter.  I'm basically a novice level blogger,  my camera is the size of a small brick, and I have a full time job that keeps me very wish me luck!