Saturday, August 21, 2010

My favorites

...yes, they are all my favorites.

 I don't mean to toot my own horn, but cute is this owl one?


Kathryn said...

Look at you!! this blog is great! This could be the start of something...

Amy said...

I love this, great job.

The Littlefields said...

These are all so darling!! Great job. You should post pictures and prices of available purses on the side bar.

Jen said...

Jen!!! You are amazing!! I want to buy one of your bags. I really really do. Let me know how I can go about doing this. I would totally love to come visit you at the farmer's market in Ogden, but I don't think that will happen. :( Booo! If I sent you a check that included shipping, would you send me one? Please. You know, here in Thermopolis we are having a Fall Festival next month where craft vendors can set up tables and sell their stuff. You should's only a 7 hour drive. Think about it, k. :-)